About Me

I grew up near St Louis, lived in Virginia during the first part of my dietitian career and then followed my intuition out to the West Coast in search of my life's purpose. Here, in the state of Washington, I found it.

I have an extreme righteous passion to fight the conditioning we have around worthiness and love being tied to our fleshy body suits (our bodies).

I struggled with extremely negative body image growing up, spending long periods of time in the mirror daily pushing, tucking, and posing my body searching for my own approval, just to give up crying and feeling unworthy and all alone in my struggle. As I moved along in my life's journey and incorporated meditation and spiritual awakening into my life, I began to see how and why I had negative views around my own and other people's bodies.

I worked deeply to change my belief systems around ALL body sizes and then developed a FIERY passion to break these belief systems in others. Most of us spend FAR too much of our lives hating ourselves, trying to change our appearances, just to be left feeling not good enough over and over again. Meanwhile pouring ungodly amounts of money back into those businesses and industries who created the insecurities in the first place!

It took me many years to fully accept my body, I want to help everyone else to wake up and do it faster, so that we can create a world that finds beauty in uniqueness of our soul's expression and rid ourselves of eating disorders and diet culture!

In other news... I have a dog and two cats. and I am deeply working on my own self-healing journey so that I can continue to get out of my own way and help the world.

Other things that I enjoy are: Hiking and being in nature, spending quality time with friends, trying new foods, cooking with/for friends, learning to play the crystal singing bowls, reading, cuddling my ginger cat, listening to music and spending time connecting with my community.